Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday night ramblings...

I'm currently on my hammock, with my computer, blogging. How hipster is that? 

I realized I hadn't blogged since New Years. 24 days of craziness with 20 of those 24 days being spent here in Honduras. 

I will not lie, I didn't want to come back. At all. My family can attest to the tantrum I threw the morning before I left. My first four months of Honduras were hard as heck. Anything that could've been made difficult, seemed to have been made difficult. Between the first month of dealing with illnesses and money issues, to learning how to live with people I had only recently met, to having my first full time job, to my first time away from home, to my first time living out of country, to living in a country that doesn't speak your language, to learning how to cook these dadgum Honduran potatoes (being raised in 'Merica, potatoes are kind of a staple).  Hard. As. Heck. 

And then I went home and fell back into the swing of things quickly. Within the first few minutes of being out of the airport, I found myself on the phone telling my brother where the pepperoni was.  Had my first Chick-Fil-A in months. And got to hug the necks of the people I love more than anyone else on earth. I settled into my clean room (clean because some awesome cleaning fairies cleaned my room while I was gone, not because I left it clean), cuddled up in my warm, memory foamed bed, and slept peacefully. 
I got so used to being home.  I had put off the thought of having to go back to Honduras until January 3rd, realizations hit me, that I was actually having to go back to, Honduras. 

The Saturday we got back, I cried on the bus from San Pedro to Sigua, put my suitcases in my room, and cried some more.  Talked to my parents over the phone and cried and whined some more. 

And then school started on Monday and I haven't exactly had time to think about anything but school. The first week we got back was our last "teaching" week, the week after was review week, and we just finished up our second exam week. This week was incredibly long as I had to individually test 25 first graders. 
The highlight of this week though was easily yesterday, when one of my 1st grade girls wanted to pray for the class in English. Her prayer went like this, "Dear Jesus, thank you for this day. Thank you for *not sure what she said*. Thank you for the sun. In Jesus' name, Amen." 
I can't tell you why, but when she said "Thank you for the sun," I had a surge of joy flow through my body and couldn't control the smile on my face. 

And there's my, it's Friday and I'm exhausted, ramblings. 
I bid you all goodnight. 
And just fyi, I'm still on the hammock and may end up staying here for the night. Hopefully my brain will be strong enough to push my body out of this piece of heaven and get my butt inside where there aren't mosquitoes.