Friday, March 28, 2014

Everyday life. Right?

There have definitely been some incredibly funny moments in the past few weeks.  I'm hoping that these aren't the "you totally had to be there" moments. So, I will attempt to tell you what happened to my roommate and I last Wednesday. 

There is a Baptist church that's about four blocks down from our houses.  Every now and then, we'll pass it while they're having band practice.  It sounds JUST like home. Somewhat cheap electric guitar plugged into a somewhat cheap amp.  It's that raw "garage band" sound that I'm definitely a fan of.  So, I've continuously been drawn to this church. 

Bethany and I decided that we needed to find out what the service times were.  There's nothing wrong with going to church at Destino, but every now and then, I need a change of view.  We passed by the church on our way home from school Wednesday afternoon and there was nothing opened. Found out the pastor was supposed to be there around 5ish (this is Honduran time!).  At 5 pm, we walked back up to the church to see if there was anyone we could talk to about service times.  

At 5, one of the gates was opened; we went in...and called BUENAS for about 5 minutes, searching the church grounds for any sign of life.  Made our way up to the second floor that looks out over the campus. Finally, I heard shuffling of feet. This sweet, old man came shuffling around the corner. We asked him what time the services were and he told us.  We got what we needed and had to get home for dinner before Destino Church that night, so we headed downstairs and back to the gate where we entered.  

It was locked. 



"Permiso!!!! Como salimos???" (I don't have a Spanish keyboard to do the upside down punctuation marks).  The gentleman, was no where to be found. He disappeared into thin air.  

By this time, a small crowd had gathered across the street.  And our only way of exit was...

You guessed it...

To climb the gate. 

Now, I've climbed a ton of chain link fences since I could climb. But never in another country with about 7 strangers watching. 

What will the people of Honduras laugh at when Bethany and I are no longer here? 

As silly as this was, crazy antics like this seem to be a normal, every day thing.  

And this story didn't even happen at school! 

Like today, I had two boys who had a small scuffle/misunderstanding. As they told me what happened in English/Spanish/Reenactment with lots of tears (the tears came from an exhausting week. I was ready to cry multiple times today too), I went "Ooooh Lord help me on this one. I have NO idea what on earth is going on."  I had the boys apologize to each other and then told them the three of us were going to pray.  We formed a three person prayer circle and I started praying. About 10 seconds into my prayer, they started giggling with each other.  I have NO idea why they were laughing but 2 minutes before they were steaming mad at each other, and then they were giggling and laughing. 

Gosh, I love 4th grade boys.  If that were two girls...sheesh! I'd be dealing with drama until summer! 


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