Thursday, May 22, 2014


I have five days with my kids left.

I am not emotionally ready for the last day of school.  It's going to be so hard to leave my students. I have thought throughout this year how my students are my joy.  While they are a huge part of my happiness, and I have so much joy when I'm with them, they aren't my joy. I'm realizing this. If they were my joy, I would stay here for years and years to come.  My God is my joy.  He's the one who gave me strength to come down here in the first place, and He's the one giving me the strength to go back to the States and leave the care of these children in His hands, where they have been this whole time.
Does it make it easy? No. I'm beginning to believe that whole, "Christianity isn't easy," message these preachers are coming at us with. *wink wink*

With that being said, I am extremely excited and counting down the days until I see my home again. But I am already feeling the loss of my students. I've grown fond of having ten students attack me in "un abrazo de oso."

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