Saturday, July 13, 2013

One Step Closer

When people ask me, "Are you ready for Honduras?" I tell them, "No! And I'm not thinking about it right now."

In my mind, if I don't think about it, that means it doesn't exist.  Don't get me wrong, I am excited about moving.  This is the biggest adventure I've come face to face with in the few short years I've lived on earth.  However, I'm not fond of the idea of leaving my family, my church, my home, MY BED, my car, my dogs, my friends, my job...etc.  In fact, the thought of this causes my eyes to burn.

However, I had the worst dream last night. I woke up and thought to myself, "Maybe I do need to start thinking about this Honduras thingy."  My thoughts are kind of torn right now.  I'm in the process of trying to finish up school (yay!) which includes a TON of stuff (yikes!) which takes up a lot of my brain time (boo!).  On top of finishing school, I have to get ready for the biggest adventure of my life.  I may be a woman who can multitask, but I feel like my brain is getting a run for it's money.  As I'm rereading these ramblings, I think I see the symptoms of Senioritis.  I apologize.

In other news, I'm one step closer to Honduras. I ordered my plane ticket!!!

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