Friday, June 14, 2013

Beautiful Conversations

I've decided to take a small break from school to write about something I actually enjoy.  Not that I don't enjoy literature.  I enjoy literature and writing, just not in the amounts I'm experiencing right now.

Someone called me at 6:45 this morning.  I was so tired from this VBS week that I didn't even hear it.  As I'm getting ready this morning, I checked my voice mail and heard a very familiar, "Hey girl!" I knew who's voice it was and just about burst into tears.  For those of you I haven't excitedly told today, I TALKED TO REYNA!!!! She called me a little bit later and we chatted for about ten minutes.  Let me tell you guys, that's a record short conversation for us.  We're the girls who go to lunch and get dirty looks from the restaurant staff because we've occupied their table for a couple hours.  But so much was said in these few minutes! She's doing great! God is using and stretching her! She told me, "God is doing SO much! And not just through me but IN me!!!" I usually label conversations with the terms, depressing, funny, hysterical, emotional, etc., but this conversation definitely deserves the term BEAUTIFUL! How beautiful are the (Chaco clad) feet of those who bring the good news!

Keep Reyna in your prayers still!!! From what she's told me, she's doing a lot of work over there and I know how taxing on the physical and emotional side it can be.

Another thought bouncing through my head as I think of Reyna.  At the start of all this, I was pretty shy about telling people I was moving to Honduras.  Number one, believe it or not, I hate hearing how awesome I am.  I love when people say how awesome "it" is rather than how awesome "I" am.  Seriously people, there is absolutely nothing about me that is awesome. It is ALL God! Without Him...well...let's not get into that. Number two, I don't want people to feel like I'm bragging.  Sometimes I see "oh look at goody-two shoes" roll through people's eyes when they talk to me.  And I hate that, because that means they really need to get to know me.  I don't even like wearing shoes!!!

Reyna told me she felt the same thing, but simply put, had to get over it.  By telling people I'm moving to Honduras, I'm given amazing opportunities to witness. It's now to the point where I tell someone I'm going to teach in Honduras and then practically bounce out of my seat waiting for them to ask, "why?"  Because this is where I can tell them how awesome God is and they can't complain because THEY ASKED FOR IT!
It happened today in the library! Poor guy had no idea that by asking me what I was doing taking a 400 level Literature course, he was going to get an earful of my conversations between God and I.  Ha! "At first I was like, 'What?' and God was like, 'Yep!' and I was like, 'Serious?' and God was like, 'For real!'"

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