Monday, June 3, 2013

~Prayers and Farewells

This is one of those blog posts I'm not completely sure I'll make it through without tearing up. 
Yesterday, my best friend and I were commissioned by our church.  
I couldn't ask for a better church.
I couldn't ask for a better friend. 
I couldn't ask for a better Savior than the one who has called us to reach beyond our comfort zones and point others towards Jesus Christ.

As Reyna and I were sitting on the steps of the altar, dozens of people crowded around us.  Some holding our hands others touching our shoulders.  We were pressed in from all sides. It kind of felt like traveling to breakout sessions at Passion.  
As I'm beneath all these people speaking prayers over our trips, I literally felt the physical weight of those surrounding Reyna and I.  I tend to think in metaphorical terms which makes me hard to understand at times but I think you'll be able to understand this.  As I felt the physical weight in that moment, I knew that I would feel the spiritual weight of those prayers as Reyna traveled to Uganda and I traveled to Honduras. 

Now, for today's adventures. To Houston! 

Though I'm pretty sure neither of us have actually seen "The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants," we have the general idea. We came up with the "Traveling Bracelet." Hopefully a more catchy name will develop in the near future.  We decided that Reyna will take it to Uganda and I'll take to it Honduras and whoever goes somewhere next can take it to wherever they're going! We're shooting for a London or Paris excursion ;)
You can tell I'm a small town girl. I though riding the underground shuttle around the airport was the coolest thing.  At least the first and second time.  By the third, fourth, and fifth time, I was a little tired. 

True to our personalities. 

And here's where the water-works start to flow. 

Here Reyna is, modeling the "Traveling Bracelet" as she heads into security.  
Our last glimpse of her before she heads upstairs to her plane. We're going to miss you Rey! And just so Uganda knows, we really do want you back!!! 

At the commissioning service yesterday, our pastor said a blessing over us and finished with, "We unleash you on Uganda and Honduras."  While it was comical, it's true. 
We have a Great Big God living inside of us.  He's roaring and ready to bring His people back to Him.  Reyna and I have talked extensively about our most recent journeys and how we are simply blown away that God would call us to such things.  There's not a thing we have done that should allow us to be Christ's ambassador, yet God still chooses to send us.  It is a humbling thought.  But also an empowering thought.  I can't wait to see what God has in store!  

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