Saturday, June 1, 2013

It feels like summertime!

I've decide, after being in the South Texas heat for two full days that I don't want an outdoor job, and that it is officially summer.

Just finished up with my second garage sale and it was super hot.  I came home with a fabulous TOMS tan line. Aren't you jealous??? Now I need to get some Chaco's and work on that tan!

Everyone who donated to this sale, you are amazing people!!! When customers would come the reaction was usually the same, "Wow! You have a lot of stuff!"  Just by this simple exclamation I was able to tell them how awesome my church family is.  What a witness!!!

A little lesson I'm learning as I'm preparing for this journey, I'm not only going as a missionary to Honduras, but my testimony left here in the states is also ministering to people.  It gives me incredible opportunities to share with people what God is doing with my life.  In my opinion, that is the best way to witness to someone is through the testimonies of what God has done.  No one can refute your story.  They can refute religious arguments, theologies, philosophies, and any more "ies" you can think of, but no one can tell you your story is wrong.  Your story of how God is working is what makes the difference in others lives.

On another note, I'm working on not crying right now.  My best friend, Reyna, leaves ON MONDAY!!!! And I won't see her for a whole THREE MONTHS!!! And then I'll see her for a day.  And then I won't see her for a whole FIVE MONTHS!!!!  Seriously, I am thankful for things like Facebook, Skype, and Email (and blogging)!

Please, lift Reyna up in your prayers! She has a long way to travel. Pray for her health, her safety, her heart, and that she would be given AMAZING opportunities to share Christ in the airport, on the plane, and with all the beautiful people she's going to meet in Uganda.

In conclusion....the pizza has arrived!  I'm off!
Thank you all for your prayers!

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