Saturday, June 1, 2013

Two posts in one day...

Yes, this is my second post today.  But I have a lot on my mind and a little time on my hands (which is really just an illusion. I do have a TON of homework).

Something I've noticed over the past couple of weeks, when I'm talking to someone about my testimony, I feel like I have to reveal the worsts sins I've ever done (not that there are any sins worse than others but you catch my drift) just to relate to people.  While sharing my stories of me going astray are important in the fact that it just shows my need for Jesus Christ all the more, it's almost become the "topic" of my testimony.  When in reality, my testimony should not be about the things I've done, but the things God has done.

I'm sure there could be a lot of philosophical thought put into this, which could prove or disprove this statement, but it all boils down to raising the name of Jesus above every name.  Jesus Christ should be the focus of my testimony, not the things I've done wrong.

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