Monday, July 14, 2014

Student Life 2014

Camp Highlights:

1. Getting anywhere between 5 & 6 hours of sleep at night.  Who doesn't love that?
2. Getting to hang out with my new youth group. What a group! 
3. Getting to worship IN ENGLISH with other students and leaders who had a desire to draw closer to God. 
4. Getting to work with an organization in Houston that provides food, clothing, furniture, and financial help to those who really, really need it.  A lot of the work was tedious and exhausting but these kids were awesome!
5. Getting to eat camp food. Just kidding. No, I swear, I'm kidding!!! 
6. Getting to hear the stories and the testimonies of what God has done and what God is doing in the lives of my kids.
7. Listening to a student on Monday telling me that he's not even sure if God exists and then hearing the same student on Thursday, say with conviction and tears in his eyes, "God exists!" 

I was a little freaked out and overwhelmed to start with these kids and then jump directly into camp.  Yes, it was a little hectic not knowing some things, but in all honesty, I wouldn't have had it any other way.  I got to know these kids in leaps and bounds during camp.  I learned their strengths, their weaknesses, their desires, their fears, their hearts, all in one week. And I also learned that if we ever have food at one of our functions, I need to bring a lot!!! 

Thank you for those of you who were praying for us while we were at camp.  If you want to keep praying, just pray that these kids would mount on eagle's wings, run and not grow weary, and walk and not faint in their faith in Jesus Christ. 

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