Saturday, June 28, 2014


While I was in Honduras, one of my roommates and I went to the island of Utila for Semana Santa.  
Two American girls, traveling by bus and boat, having an experience of a lifetime, and realizing just how much God takes care of us. There were some slightly scary stories to tell from this trip, and if you'd like to hear them, ask me personally and I'd love to share them with you! 

Despite some of the crazy things that happened, and despite losing a close friend two days prior, we had a good time.  For me, it was a soothing time.  I didn't realize how hard it was to be landlocked until I was landlocked. So, Utila was a fantastic change of scenery.  Beautiful mountains to my back, and the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean to my face (a face that learned to wear sunscreen!). 

Snorkeling in the Caribbean will go down as one of my favorite experiences in the entire ten months I was in Honduras.  It was like I was in a gigantic fish tank.  Standing on the dock as I was putting my flippers and snorkel on, I thought, "It's so beautiful out here! Nothing but ocean for miles and miles and miles." 

And then I went under water and saw this.

And I went, "Woah." 

And y'all, let's be's hard to take pictures underwater. I kept smacking my goggles with the camera just so I could see through the little glass, lens, thingy (can someone say digital cameras?) and still missed most of the fish I was chasing. 

As I was under there I just kept thinking to my self, "Man, God makes some sweet stuff!"

And speaking of sweet stuff....

We tried....

My soundtrack for the weekend was (shocker) Switchfoot's latest album, Fading West. My favorite song is Saltwater Heart.  The chorus says, "When I'm on your shore again, I can feel the ocean. I can feel your open arms. That pure emotion.  I'm finally free again, by my own explosion."  After everything that had happened in the past couple of days, just hanging out in the ocean among some of the coolest creations I've seen, was definitely like sitting in God's living room, just talking and hanging out and allowing him to heal some wounds. 

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