Thursday, June 12, 2014

All Because of Jesus

It's been almost two weeks since the last day of school and what an emotional and crazy ride it has been.  The Tuesday after we finished school, I received the news that my dad had been in a bad accident.  I made the immediate decision to come home two weeks earlier than I had originally planned. Thankfully, classes were over and I wouldn't leave people at a great disadvantage.  So, Wednesday and Thursday I worked with the other teachers on getting things in order for next year. 
These two days were full of things to do which was a blessing.  I am (as my aunt calls me) the "freak-out-child."  This is due to a crazy imagination that, simply put, knows no bounds. I would start at the thought of, "God pulled my father through an accident" and would head into, "There's a reason people are calling this a God thing" which would lead to "MY DAD ALMOST DIED!" Which led me to think of my dad dying which of course, led to tears, lots and lots of tears. Over my imagination. 

In the amount of time that I've been home, I've seen so much improvement in my dad's health. His head wound is healing wonderfully, his hands are practically all better, and he's moving around with a lot more ease.  God is AMAZING!!! There are so many ways my dad could have died. If the vehicle rolled one more time, he probably wouldn't have made it. If he had a different type of seat belt, he would have landed in a worse position. But it all boils down to, if God had not wrapped my father in His wings, by Dad wouldn't have made it. But, I'm finally getting a heart knowledge in this, my dad did make it, and it's all because of Jesus. 

With that being said, here's some pictures of my last few days in Honduras!

*Note. There's a tadpole in there. I promise! They're not just showing off a dirty cup that they found. 

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