Tuesday, April 30, 2013

~All Things...

This past weekend, I had the awesome opportunity to work with middle school girls at our church's Mpact weekend (which is D-now with a different name).

We talked about Redefining Normal.  Our t-shirts have a flying pig on them.  Still trying to figure out that connection but the t-shirts are soft so we're good.

On Saturday night we always have an intense worship time with The James Curlin Band (they're awesome by the way!).  The line in one of the songs practically jumped out at me as it rolled off my lips. "You make all things work together for my good."  I felt God smiling and saying, "All things. Not just the good things. Not just the bad things. All things."

And it hit me.  Every opportunity God has given me to minister to others, He's used that to prepare me for this trip.  Every time I failed and ignored God, He's used that to prepare me.  Even the moments where I stub my toe and cry out, "God! Why did you create Mondays???" He's used those moments to prepare me.

Lately, as I've entered into worship, I can't help but think, "God, I am so unworthy of this calling you've placed on my life! I am so unworthy to be your ambassador in Honduras." And I feel God laugh and say, "You've got that right! BUT I still choose to love you enough to get a taste of what I'm doing in Honduras."

To me, the thought that God uses everything we've been through, is just astounding.  It sounds cliche until you experience it.  I used to roll my eyes when people would say something like this.  Now I'm eating my words! God really does use EVERYTHING!

Monday, April 22, 2013


Matthew 10:37- Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 

Luke 14:26-27- If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters- yes, even his own life- he cannot be my disciple. And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. 

The true meaning of these verses is making itself known in my life.  This weekend, I heard a pastor preach about following Jesus.  One of the things we're called to do as Christ-followers is sacrifice the things we love.

"This could be your boyfriend or girlfriend, your material things, your family."

Your family? *gulp*

That's a thought I could have lived without.  The reality hit me that I will be sacrificing my family when I move to Honduras.

I had always read these verses thinking Jesus was outrageous.  As I look at it now, Jesus was (and is) outrageous.  As followers of Christ, we are called to be outrageous.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Jonah was a prophet (Ooh-Ooh)- Veggietales

There are moments when I read the bible and I simply have to cringe. Moments when you try to criticize the people in the bible and tell them how they should have done things.  Suddenly, you realize you identify with them more than you originally thought.

Jonah happens to be one of those people for me.

No, I've never been inside a whale.

Yes, I've doubted, and disobeyed God.  I've complained about my calling.  I've gotten other people in trouble.  And I've been used by God despite my attitude.

For those of you unfamiliar with the story of Jonah, I recommend you check it out.  It's only four chapters long. Easily knocked out in about thirty minutes.  Jonah was a prophet of God to his people, the Israelites.  One day, he was called by God to go to the Ninevites.  These people were the most vile in that time period. They did much more than slap people with fish.  As disgusting as that is, it doesn't compare to the decapitated heads that lined the road to Nineveh.  I'll give this one to Jonah, I wouldn't want to take a vacation to Nineveh, let alone tell them that if they didn't get their act together, God was going to destroy them.  So, instead of obeying God, Jonah boards a boat and goes the opposite direction of Nineveh.  A big storm comes and Jonah tells the crew to throw him over (or he walked off a plank, your choice).  As Jonah's sinking to the bottom, a fish swallows him and he's inside the belly of the fish for three days.

I'm sleeping with fishes here, in the belly of the whale. 
I'm highly nutritious here, in the belly of the whale. 

Jam session over.

After three days, Jonah is vomited onto dry ground and makes his way to Ninevah.  He tells the Ninevites to repent because God is going to destroy their city if they don't.  Then he goes out to wait on God's imminent destruction of this evil city.

To Jonah's dismay, the Ninevites obeyed, and prayed, and fasted, and repented.

We're not too sure what happened to Jonah. Last we hear of him, he's complaining to God for not wiping out the Ninevites along with a few other things he decided he wasn't thankful for.  My assumption is he died a bitter man.

Now, while the story of Jonah is kind of depressing, I love it.  We see Jonah in three places in his life.
1) His comfort zone- I'm guessing he had a fairly easy job of being a prophet to the Israelites.  At least the bible doesn't mention any troubles like those of Hosea.
2) In disobedience- God tells Jonah to do one thing, he does the other. Sound familiar to anyone?
3) In obedience to God- He finally obeys God and goes to the Ninevites.

What I love about this story is how Jonah is used by God in every instance.
Jonah faithfully delivers God's messages to his people, giving encouragement and discipline to God's chosen people.  When Jonah disobeys and heads to Tarsus, the crew on the ship, seeing God's power, praise God. And when Jonah obeys, the Ninevites turn from their sin and ask God's forgiveness.

Here's my theory,  the only reason God still works in powerful ways whatever our walks of life are, is because God is JUST that powerful!!! God doesn't need us! God can do things on His own.  Yet, he chooses to let us be apart of His great story and uses us despite our flaws.

We serve a great God!

And just for fun, here's a picture of Jonah, with a swimming cap and a duck float. You're welcome. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

God is good

All I can say is God is good!

I say that with the intention of saying more than just that.  I want to tell you how God is good in my life.

Today, our mission team reported to the church the amazing things God did for the people of Honduras as well as us.  I told my testimony of how God has called me to teach at Destino Del Reino.  I was completely overwhelmed by the love, support, and excitement I felt from the Body of Christ.  I know you have your church that you love dearly.  But let's be honest.  Mine church is awesome. I mean, my church is really awesome!  It is a body of believers who seek God, share God, and support each other.

If you are a member of my church, I want to say THANK YOU!!! I don't think there is a way to describe how thankful I am for the support you've shown me!

God has shown me today, even more confirmation that I am supposed to go to Honduras.

Speaking of my church family, I want to say how incredibly blessed I am with the friends I've made through this church.  Every time I talk to my closest friends, I am overwhelmed by the love they have for Christ and a passion they have for missions!  My friends don't bring me down as is the case of other friendships I've had, these friends bring me up and spur (yes, spur- as in cowboy spurs that do indeed cause momentary pain) me on towards Christ.  They don't pull punches, yet they don't hold off hugs.  I encourage each of you to pray for friends like these.  Just don't steal mine!  Deal?

I'll end with what I began.  God is good. And His love endures forever!