Sunday, April 7, 2013

God is good

All I can say is God is good!

I say that with the intention of saying more than just that.  I want to tell you how God is good in my life.

Today, our mission team reported to the church the amazing things God did for the people of Honduras as well as us.  I told my testimony of how God has called me to teach at Destino Del Reino.  I was completely overwhelmed by the love, support, and excitement I felt from the Body of Christ.  I know you have your church that you love dearly.  But let's be honest.  Mine church is awesome. I mean, my church is really awesome!  It is a body of believers who seek God, share God, and support each other.

If you are a member of my church, I want to say THANK YOU!!! I don't think there is a way to describe how thankful I am for the support you've shown me!

God has shown me today, even more confirmation that I am supposed to go to Honduras.

Speaking of my church family, I want to say how incredibly blessed I am with the friends I've made through this church.  Every time I talk to my closest friends, I am overwhelmed by the love they have for Christ and a passion they have for missions!  My friends don't bring me down as is the case of other friendships I've had, these friends bring me up and spur (yes, spur- as in cowboy spurs that do indeed cause momentary pain) me on towards Christ.  They don't pull punches, yet they don't hold off hugs.  I encourage each of you to pray for friends like these.  Just don't steal mine!  Deal?

I'll end with what I began.  God is good. And His love endures forever!

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