Thursday, March 28, 2013

He who began a good work in you...- Philippians 1:6

I've attended the Passion Conference for three years in a row.  One conference in Ft. Worth and two conferences in Atlanta.  If you ever have the chance to attend a Passion conference, do it.  There's something about worshiping with thousands and thousands of other college students and adults who have a heart and a passion for Jesus Christ and seeing Him glorified.

The Passion albums are easily some of the most played albums on my iTunes (it's a fairly close tie with anything Switchfoot).  What I love about Passion songs, is they are so full of these great lines that hit home.  One song can have thousands of different meanings to me that often times don't exactly have anything to do with the overall meaning of the song.  I think this happens because 1) the Holy Spirit just knows how to get my attention and 2) I'm always analyzing lyrics.  My love of words and how they go together is the top reason I'm an English Major.

The other day, I was jamming to Let The Future Begin on my way to work.  I was (big surprise) thinking about my relocation to Honduras.  At the beginning of the song, Kristian Stanfill is belting out the lyrics, "Promise Maker, Promise Keeper, You finish what you begin."  Immediately I tear up.  Since I was about seven years old, I've wanted to be a missionary.  Many times I've prayed, "God, I just want to go!!!" Of course the moment He tells me go my breaks kick in.  I've known, since I was seven years old, God has been preparing me for this wonderful journey.  I know He's not anywhere close to finishing me, but it's surreal seeing a glimpse of how He's finishing what He began.

Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

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