Tuesday, April 30, 2013

~All Things...

This past weekend, I had the awesome opportunity to work with middle school girls at our church's Mpact weekend (which is D-now with a different name).

We talked about Redefining Normal.  Our t-shirts have a flying pig on them.  Still trying to figure out that connection but the t-shirts are soft so we're good.

On Saturday night we always have an intense worship time with The James Curlin Band (they're awesome by the way!).  The line in one of the songs practically jumped out at me as it rolled off my lips. "You make all things work together for my good."  I felt God smiling and saying, "All things. Not just the good things. Not just the bad things. All things."

And it hit me.  Every opportunity God has given me to minister to others, He's used that to prepare me for this trip.  Every time I failed and ignored God, He's used that to prepare me.  Even the moments where I stub my toe and cry out, "God! Why did you create Mondays???" He's used those moments to prepare me.

Lately, as I've entered into worship, I can't help but think, "God, I am so unworthy of this calling you've placed on my life! I am so unworthy to be your ambassador in Honduras." And I feel God laugh and say, "You've got that right! BUT I still choose to love you enough to get a taste of what I'm doing in Honduras."

To me, the thought that God uses everything we've been through, is just astounding.  It sounds cliche until you experience it.  I used to roll my eyes when people would say something like this.  Now I'm eating my words! God really does use EVERYTHING!

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