Monday, May 6, 2013

~Winter Coats and Sunburns~

One thing's for sure, Texas Weather gets crazier every year.  I began Friday morning at the garage sale in a coat, a hat, a scarf, gloves, and a pair of boots. By about 10 am I had shed down to my t-shirt. Was I expecting to get a sunburn? Not on your life!

Garage Sales-
They're a lot of work.
You deal with a lot of stupid people.
People don't realize that when the tables are covered that means we're closed.
People don't realize that 8 o'clock does not mean you can come at 7 am.
People don't realize that we don't take kindly to your rude tone of voice and comments.

They're a lot of fun.
You make new friends.
You hang out with old friends.
You discover stuff you never knew existed.
You watch your friend pick out a pink toilet seat cover for his house...and watch his reaction when he realizes the seat cover is actually pink.
You get to talk to some really fun people.
You try on crazy clothes.
I had the chance to practice my market Spanish. That was fun!

They're a big blessing.
Blessing? What's that you say?
A blessing.
I discover each and every day how overwhelmingly generous my church family is.
To those who donated things to sell, thank you so much!!!!
To the Garage Sale Queen, THANK YOU!!!! Not only did you allow us to hold the sale at your house, you brought along your reputation which attracted quite a few customers.  You have absolutely no idea how blessed we are by you and your husband!!!
To those who helped cart stuff around, set stuff up, monitor people, work the "register," y'all were all insanely awesome!!!

Overall, it was an extremely successful weekend!!! God provided in crazy ways and even threw in a couple cool stories. One of which is the story of an oven that wouldn't sell. We had it priced at $20, then $10 then "Make an offer" and finally, a "Please steal me" sign was placed on it.  In other words, we didn't want to have to move it again.  When the garage sale was finished, we left it on the street for someone to pick up.  Instead of picking it up, someone paid $30 for it.  God is not just in the big things, but in the little rain drops of blessings as well!

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