Monday, October 21, 2013

Discovering more of Honduras!

The day before we left for Guatemala, we had an extra vacation day. So Tori, Jenna and I decided to head half an hour away to Comayagua while Bethany hung out with her family while they were in Honduras. Needless to say, we had a blast! 

This is me in front of the Catholic church in Comayagua. Please note the Common Grounds bro-tank! It was a gorgeous building! Every time I see a gorgeous church building, I'm blown away by the intricacy and the beauty of the building. This time, I was given a thought, what if, the church, like the actual church known as "us" were as spiritually intricate and awe inspiring as this building. Buildings like this often point people's eyes towards the church. What if, we, as the church, pointed people's eyes towards Jesus Christ? What if the unity among believers, which we often have to fight for, was so beautiful, people couldn't help but look and wonder at the beauty that is the Church of Jesus Christ. Just food for thought! 

And here's Jenna and I. I am so blessed by the friendship I have with this girl! She's been an encouragement to me even before I considered coming down here to teach! 

Nice view right? 

And here's Teeny Tori!

The builders made the stones on the ground in the shape of the shadow cast by the church building. Pretty cool right? I thought so too! 

I do love panoramas. Take a look at those beautiful mountains!

And on our way down, we saw a bat! I told my dad that as soon as I took the picture, I realized the flash might scare him and make him go crazy and I would get rabies from bat bites. His reply? "I don't think the flash bothered him. Ever heard the term, blind as a bat?" Hmm...

Here's me in the teeny-tiny stair case! Any of my friends from Alpine remember Fat Man's Misery? This kind of reminded me of that!

Tour buddies! We stopped at a coffee shop and got a cookie! 

And that was our trip to Comayagua! 

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