Sunday, October 6, 2013


For the first time since I've been here in Honduras, I'm actually starting to REALLY enjoy life. 
Life has been the hardest I've ever experienced in this first month of living here. Not only was I dealing with living on my own for the first time, but I was dealing with living on my own in a third world country. There was so much to get used to: Shower heads that tried to kill you. Bugs that decided your shower was their shower (I have a love hate relationship with slugs). A grocery store that really has no rhyme or reason to it's organization (they have sugar on the baking aisle, the snack aisle, and aisle). The lack of hot water. The vinegar washing of vegetables. The public transportation. The walking everywhere. Not knowing the language. New food (some good, some bad). It's just been extremely difficult. 

But now, for whatever reason, I am finally starting to feel comfortable in my surroundings. In church this morning, I finally gave up my last battle to God. It was a weight lifted off my shoulders. 

And to celebrate my freedom from current anxieties, I sat on the hammock in our backyard and saw these wonderful clouds! God is good! Dios le bendiga!  

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