Friday, October 4, 2013

Week 3 of school and some photo evidence showing I survived!

Here's to Friday! I love the kids that I work with, but yes, by Friday, I am exhausted! 
I won't lie, teaching First Grade has been one of the most frustrating things ever. They are sweet kids but there's always the few who can be a pain. We have the talkers, the tattlers, the kid that everyone tattles on, the whiners, etc.. I still love them SO much though! My biggest battle has been lunch duty. 1) I've never done anything close to lunch duty. 2) The kids don't understand me and I don't understand them. Their English is still very minimal and my Spanish is very minimal. 3) I have 27 kids, and there are two stalls for their bathroom. 4) They also have to brush their teeth during the time allotted for lunch. 
So, for 1) I'm clueless. 2) Major language barrier. 3) The bathroom situation ALMOST made me cry, we were starting 15 minutes later than we were supposed to, which is valuable teaching time with the kids. 4) Yes, there are the few who like to spit on each other. 
Thankfully, after week 3 of this, we're working things out. Yay!!! We actually started 10 minutes earlier today which was an AWESOME feeling! 

And here's some pictures!
I sat on the bus with these two girls for a couple days in a row. They kept asking me to make the sound of a "cat" or a "dog" or a "duck." From the picture I'm sure you can tell I made them do the sound of a pig!
 This is Kayra. She's one of my first graders and is SUPER smart. She's also incredibly sweet AND accepted Jesus into her heart at church on Sunday! Such an awesome thing! And She likes to make faces. 
 This is Elkin, one of my fourth graders. I had to take a picture of him today because the band-aid on his eyebrow was just too cute. He was playing "Football Americano" and that should explain it. I think I put a band-aid or clean off blood from at least one boy every other day. God is gracious and has strengthened my stomach so that the sight of blood doesn't make me queasy (And to anyone who is wondering, I do wash my hands afterwards!). 
And this picture is for my dad! This is Claire! She is another one of my fourth graders and is also Kayra's older sister! Please notice how my skin is getting darker! Please, please, please notice ;)
Also, the two teeth, one nostril, and one eye that you see at the bottom left-hand corner, that is Roger. 

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