Monday, September 30, 2013

Shenanigans and What-not

So, I'm super late with pictures. There's been a bunch going on! And I'm ashamed to say, I haven't taken that many pictures. But here's a sweet selection of the documentation of my life in Honduras. 

This was my first day of school and Bethany's second. But I felt like we needed a picture together!

 This is Tori's Prepatoria class (Kindergarten) that I assist with. These kids are incredibly sweet! 

 This is Josue. Short little background. Josue is from Los Germanias II, the village our group did a VBS with back in March. My sister fell in love with this sweet boy and was worried about him growing up in the village he was in. Long story short, Brittany and Dayna had to go back to Los Germanias II with Rhonda and ended up meeting Josue and his mother. Rhonda was able to talk with Josue's mother and now Josue is attending Destino Del Reino! Watching him get on the bus is one of the joys of riding that bone-jarring vehicle. He's so tiny that, from where I sit, all I see is the top of his head bobbing up and down until he jumps up and lands in one of the bus seats. I wish you could see it! It's so adorable!

This picture is for Eric and Kevin! Recognize this sweet face? For the first time David 1) Actually recognized my existence and 2) Actually played with me. We stuck an entire bag of magnetic letters to one of the metal shelves in the English resource room. He thought this letter was funny looking. 
 Ignore my big mouth. I was just too excited! 

 And of course, we wouldn't be complete without some photo documentation of our shenanigans. 
Below, we see my roommate Bethany holding her new guitar that we found at "Target."

 And here, is me, defying every rule of safety I have ever implemented. I am pointing to the stool on which I will be standing. The stool is on my wobbly desk. We have no ladder, no step-stool, only creative (*cough cough* stupid, minds). But, I'm still alive so I guess it wasn't that bad! 
 As you can see, the result is utter Pinterest-ness! 

And my room is no longer boring, but is becoming more homey! Yay! 

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