Thursday, September 12, 2013

Tacos, Papusas, House visits, and No More Men?

Hey look! More pictures! 
 This is Jenna and I. This girl is such an inspiration to me! She is about to start her third year of teaching here at Destino and just turned 21. 
 This is Adela. She assisted in the third grade class that Kevin and I substituted.  Her English is pretty good and she was teaching me a lot of Spanish vocabulary. Every now and then she would say, "Spanish class" and start pointing at things and telling me what they were. She is also an uh-may-zing woman of God. I was teamed up with her when we did house visits and, even though I didn't understand all of what she was saying, I knew she was giving them the gospel. It was so beautiful seeing her minister to the people of El Socorro. She has such a passion for God and for his people. And our deal was, she would teach me Spanish as long as I kept her safe from the dogs (my crazy dog lady reputation has followed me). 

 Because it was raining off and on, I didn't take my camera very often because I didn't want it to get wet. But here's some pictures of the houses. I wish I could have taken pictures of the insides of the houses. Most of them had a concrete floor and the walls were made of adobe (ah-doh-bey, one of my Spanish vocabulary from Adela) and either Sing/Sin (metal roofing) or Tejas (the rounded clay tiles). The doors in the house were often curtains and the front doors were usually boards of wood nailed together. They aren't good at keeping the elements of the weather. Some of the houses were also in precarious places.  Some of the houses we visited were on the mountain right next to the highway with steep steps carved into the dirt. The places these people live in are hard to explain. Just know that a lot of the houses are worse than those which are considered "poverty" in America. 
 After finishing our house visits today we went and ate at Los Cabañas (it just took me five minutes to write that name). I saw a parrot in the tree! Yay! 
 Tori and Jenna being...Tori and Jenna.
 This, my friends, is a Honduran Taco. It kicks Taco Bell's butt (not that it takes much in the form of food but, ya know). They are seriously so amazing! 

This is Jessi. She's the secretary at Destino and was also a part of my visiting group. She was also teaching me Spanish. Funny story of the week. She taught me "hambre" which means hungry. We were pretty hungry waiting for our tacos and papusas. After we finished eating, I looked at her and said, "No mas hombre" as an attempt to say that I was full (which, I learned later, is llena). What I meant to say was, "No mas hambre" but instead said, "No more men."  One thing's for sure, I'm giving these Honduran teachers bountiful opportunities to laugh! 

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