Saturday, September 7, 2013


 Here's a few pictures!
This is Josue (he's an animal lover) showing off their deer and two rabbits!

This is my room after the suitcases exploded when I couldn't find where my shampoo and conditioner were stored haha! It's gotten cleaner but as most of you know, my clean is still messy ;) 

And I was very excited to find my shampoo. 

Anyone recognize this sweet boy? 

This is the deer that the Destino kids rescued? It's so cute and tiny!

Ignore the "high face" but I was incredibly excited to find a Chai Latte. 

This is Cimba. And he's one of my best friends. 

Waiting on Baleodas! I'm loving this Honduran food! Also, these are my roommate/neighbors. 
From left it's me, Bethany (my roommate), Tori (neighbor) and Jenna (neighbor).  In just one week we've bonded like crazy and I don't know what I would do without their constant encouragement! 

Can't figure out how to rotate this one but this is my roommate and I with our Chai's from the missionary run coffee shop with wifi. We're also receiving an incredible photo-bomb. 

And last, but certainly not least, this is what happens when you pick up a pot that doesn't do well on a gas stove. I ended up getting this soot ALL over me. #gasstoveprobs (Photo cred to my Roomie!)

1 comment:

  1. Love you! I'm glad to see you having adventures. You are in my prayers. :)
