Monday, September 9, 2013

First week in Honduras

What a week it has been! I've been stretched and pulled and prodded and stretched again. And it's only week one.

Some of this has been referred to in other blog posts, but as a refresher:
Night one- Almost got killed by a shower head, light cover, and a roach.
Major credit card problems.
When I write this down, it doesn't seem like much. But I won't lie, going for a week not exactly knowing where you were going to get money from, is emotionally traumatizing!

God saved me from the shower head, the light cover, and the roach.
He also solved my credit card problem!

Beginning of week two. I ended up with piojos (lice). Thankfully, they had only been in my hair for a few hours so they didn't have much of a chance to spread.

This morning, one of my housemates told me what an encouragement it was to her that I was being such a trooper about it all. Having an emotional breakdown in the middle of the grocery store doesn't seem like a trooper thing to me, but what she said made me take a step back. I've never been the "trooper type" before. In that instance, I could feel the weight from the prayers of my friends, my family, and people I've never met but know about me in Honduras.  As soon as (I mean like, before the internet guys left) we had internet running, I jumped on the computer and found SO many words of encouragement. My best friend said that I wouldn't believe the amount of people praying for me. I'll tell you, I believe it!  If it weren't for those prayers, I would probably be on a plane headed home to my clean, comfortable bed, my shower that has hot water, my dishwasher, my dogs, my family, my friends, my sermon in English, my car, safe-ish roads, my group of friends...etc. I cannot thank you guys enough for the prayers. Your prayers are an anchor!

And just a funny story to add to my sappiness.
My roommate and I went shopping at this one store we pass by almost every day. When the other roommate called us to see where we were so the four of us could meet up, I asked the guy, "Como se llama aqui?" I knew it wasn't totally correct but he'd get the idea. He laughed (a dead giveaway that I had said it wrong) and said, "Gringo Loco." That's the name of the store. Bethany and I started laughing. How ironic that the gringas were in the store named after them ;)

Anyway, thank you for your continued prayers! I feel them ALL the time!  Please keep them coming as we do house visits tomorrow to assess the physical and spiritual needs of the students and their families!

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