Friday, September 6, 2013

~Beautiful things from the dust!

Greetings from Honduras!
This is where the adventure has begun! SO many things to tell you!

Almost got killed by a shower head AND a light cover AND a 5 foot roach in the shower. (I've seen more bugs than I ever want to again). God is awesome for protection. Especially against the roach. ICK!

The first week of preparation for school is over. Although we'll continue spiritually preparing.
Physically preparing was easy for my class. I put my posters up on one wall and the Honduran teachers decorated the rest of the class. All my VBS partners need to see these rooms!!!

I won't lie. This week has been tough. Tougher than any week I've had so far.
Walking everywhere is physically exhilarating AND exhausting. So I'm more tired than normal which makes things twice as hard.
There are some other difficulties that need prayer, however, I don't want to share them for the world to see.

To top everything off, I burned four out of 10 fingers (yes, I have all ten) with hot glue yesterday.  God graciously gave me the small blisters on my left hand so I can still play guitar!

The other teachers and I have been doing our best to find things we're thankful for. And it has been a tremendous heart change for me.

In only one week, I have learned what it means to trust God. I've had to trust God with my safety. With my money. With my lesson planning. With healing for my fingers. I have sought God harder than I have ever done so before. I've sought him for wisdom, peace, protection, and so many other things. I pray that this doesn't wear off as I get settled into life. I doubt it will but you never know.

Also, for my hipster friends out there, life is good in the Honduran coffee shop! It's run by missionaries and they make some dang good chai lattes.

Please be praying for:
The container with a bunch of stuff we need.
Continued protection.
That I learn Spanish quick.
For our house visits to the students next week. We'll see first hand what these students are living in and what their needs are physically and spiritually.
And God has put it on my heart to pray for the MEN of Honduras.  Maybe it's because I get cat-called about 20 times every five minutes. But basically, these men need a LOT of prayer. Pray for a spiritual revival among the men of this country. Including among the pastors and spiritual leaders. Specifically, pray for Pastor Pablo for continued strength and wisdom (all of Rhonda's boys follow him around like puppies!). Also, pray for Leonel, our bus driver, God has made a change in him but he's not finished yet!


  1. You tell those cat-calling guys your grandma is going to come down there if they don't straighten up!!

  2. Haha! *copy & paste to google translate* haha! It's okay. Just super annoying.

  3. Chai lattes really are the best.

    I'm praying that God will provide you with plenty of rest and peace. Amid your busyness, remember that "God gives sleep to those he loves" (Psalm 127:2b).

    Are you team teaching with Honduran teachers, or do you have your own designated discipline or class? I know that this is nerdy, but I would love to hear about your lesson plans, classroom techniques, and what works and what doesn't.
    Much love,
    Renee Sprinkle
