Friday, August 30, 2013

Hasta Luega

As I say my "goodbyes" I'm doing my best to avoid the phrase, "Good-bye."  I've been getting pretty handy with the phrase, "See ya later!"

I'll be honest, what I've been dreading the most about this trip is the goodbyes.  And my brain won't give me a break but keeps imagining every depressing goodbye scene.  Quite frankly, they belong in a Hallmark movie (Not that I know anything about those...*cough cough*).

But there is joy in these goodbye's.  When a goodbye is said, it is likely a "Hello" will follow. I am saying goodbye to my comfortable, American, life which includes:
1. My Bed
2. My dogs
3. My own car
4. My house of nine years
5. My closest and dearest friends
6. And my incredible family

However, as I say these goodbyes, I'm saying "Hello" to a vast array of new and exciting things such as:
1. New women who I know I will grow closer to each day
2. A new home and new bed to call my home for a little while
3. Crazy bus rides and wonderful walks
4. And most importantly, I will say "Hello" to the next step God has for me. And this is the most exciting of all.

P.S.- Reyna is back in town! God blessed me with a few moments with her before we go our separate ways again! God did some AMAZING things in her life while she was in Uganda.

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