Thursday, August 15, 2013

Tests, Cats, and Colton Dixon

There are days...when Satan...really tries to get you down. 

As my departure date approaches, Satan continues to try and beat me down.  He knows I'm going, and he knows I'm a very stubborn, determined person.  But I'm human and he also knows that I get tired quickly.  So he's trying to throw anything and everything in my path. 

The latest was the fact that I only needed to pass three more DSST exams.  Long story short, I only passed one out of the three I needed to pass. Which means I have to take 6 other courses I was hoping I wouldn't have to.  While this is downright depressing to me, my spirit is smirking at Satan because I have a Plan B. It's my goal to have all my credits taken care of and transferred for graduation by the time I leave.  Failing those two tests obviously set me back a bit, Christ has given me a resiliency.  While Satan tried to get me to concentrate on my failures, Christ dusted off my knees from the stumble and set my sights back on His incredible plan!

God often uses tools in my life to assist me on my walk with Christ. I wouldn't be where I was today if it weren't for the willing vessels of some amazing people in my life.  

Today, he used my wonderful parents to encourage me to figure out my next step for school.

He used Colton Dixon's vocal perfection and incredible lyrics on Air1 (which, to me, sounds like a broken record most of the time because of the amount of times they play a song).  However, he still uses that station to reach my life! My new favorite jam is Colton's "Never Gone" which had me tearing up in the car.  It was a sweet reminder from God saying, "Don't worry! I'm not leaving your side! I'll help you through whatever you have to do!"

And God also used a cat.  For those of you who know me you're thinking, "WHAT??? DID SHE SAY A CAT???" Yes. I said a cat.  

I'm not a cat fan. 

At all. 

I find them disgusting. 

And vile. 

And mean. 


Anyway, here's a shameless selfie of TAMUCC's cat and I. 

Yes, I'm going crazy. Two things I despise: selfies and cats. 
But this one was so sweet and loving and helped me forget about failing my tests. 

To use a cliche, God works in mysterious ways!

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