Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I remember those days when I would pack for a weekend excursion....a week early.
Or when I would go to camp for a week...and be packed by the beginning of the month.
The last weekend trip I went on I packed about 6 hours before we left.
Over the years there has been a change in my excitement levels on the task of packing.

Packing for Honduras is no different! My mom is going to help me start packing tomorrow which is fantastic. I'm fairly positive I would curl up in fetal position and sob if I had to do it on my own.  It's not that I don't want to pack, it's just that I hate to pack. The stress of leaving something behind or forgetting something kills me!

As I'm typing this blog of a venting nature, God quietly speaks to me and says, "I have everything covered.  Including your packing."

He helped me finish my school (as of last night I earned my last college credit!) I'm sure He'll help me with my packing.
He helped me collect the funds I need for this trip, I'm sure He'll help me with my packing.
He helped me reach a place where I am emotionally ready for this trip, I'm sure He'll help me with my packing.
He provided me with some AWESOME co-teachers, I'm sure He'll help me with my packing.
He provided me with a free box of supplemental curriculum,  I'm sure He'll help me with my packing.
He has blessed me with a wonderful church who has committed to pray for me as I discover the next step of God's plan for me, I KNOW He'll help me with my packing.

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