Thursday, November 28, 2013


It's Thanksgiving. And even though Honduras doesn't celebrate it, we did. I will admit, running into a grocery store this morning and it not being overly crowded with crazy people, kind of felt weird. I think I like celebrating an American holiday in a...not so American country. Anyway, I went through pictures after coming home from our Thanksgiving dinner with the Destino kids and decided I was going to make a list of things I was thankful for according to these pictures. 
1. I'm thankful for an awesome roomie and for the rain that we got caught in. You may not be able to tell but we were literally soaked from head to toe. 
 2. I'm thankful for these beautiful 4th grade boys (and all the 4th grade class). Not that I pick favorites but the kid on the far left has nicknamed me "Caballera." How can I not pick a favorite???

3. I'm thankful for these three sweet boys in mine and Tori's Prepa (Kindergarten) class. They're so sweet, so smart, and are such a big help! Granted, if we could get them to stop talking in class things would be absolutely divine, but I still love these boys!

4. I'm thankful for my sweet, sweet, 1st graders. These are my babies! Every day when we get on the bus they pass by me and I get 25 hugs. I am so grateful that God put me with these crazy kids! I feel like I'm learning more than they are! 

 5. I'm so thankful that these two boys are ALIVE! Both boys had Dengue and were out of school for over a week. David (on the left) ended up in the hospital in Tegucigalpa because he had other complications with his Dengue. Both boys got extra big hugs when they came back to school. And we spent a lot of quality time together catching up on exams. They were both gone for exam week...hmmm...

6. I'm also thankful for flowers that have a natural ombre. Seriously, how cool?

7. And of course, I'm thankful for dogs. This sweet thing came and visited us the other morning as we were waiting on the school bus. Of course, she visited on the morning I was eating a grab and go breakfast. I found out she likes oatmeal bars.  

 8. I'm INCREDIBLY thankful for these sweet women I do life with every day. I'm blessed by their encouragement and view on life. It sounds cliche, but there really are no words to explain how grateful I am for these women. 

9. I'm thankful for colorful food. And in case you're wondering, that is sausage, not hot dogs (you're welcome Bethany). 

10. I'm super thankful for this stinker, David. And honestly, he has some of the clearest Spanish I've ever heard! 

11. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thankful for tortillas. I actually made a round one! 

12. I'm thankful for the beautiful girls being raised at Destino. They have such beautiful hearts and desires to serve God!  

13. I'm also thankful for the fact that Josue gets a hold of my camera. I always get some pretty awesome pictures when he's done! 

(And when I say awesome, I mean some cool pictures like this!) 

14. I'm thankful to be lead closer to Jesus every day. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


One of my favorite song lyrics is from Flyleaf's song "Treasure" is "Tonight, I've become the most dazzling, precious treasure, I'll be treasured over all the earth." I've grown up being told I was treasured and loved by God. I've grown up learning how delighted God was in me and that it was His pleasure to give me what I needed and more.
And of course, being the spoiled brat I am, I've gotten used to this take, take, take method of daughtering (if that's even a word. If not, I just made it a word). Lately, anything spiritual has kind of bounced right off me or gone in one ear and out the other. I've been spiritually dry. I think the reason is simply the amount of business in my life right now. My daily routine is to wake up at 6:30ish, throw my uniform on, maybe eat breakfast and drink coffee, and fly out of the house with my school stuff in tow. Between the bus and school time, I'm basically working from 7:15-3:45 except for Thursday when it's 7:15-4:45. Once I get off the bus, I catch up on communicating with family and friends (I'm trying to make it sound better but's catch up on Facebook). Some nights I cook dinner (depending on who's turn it is). Then there's the housework (which usually lags behind). Recently there's also been work on the child sponsorship program here at Destino (which has been such a wonderful blessing getting to talk with my student's sponsors!). Add Spanish class and that homework, plus grocery shopping (an event in itself since we have to walk around 15 blocks to get to the grocery store). Long story short, my life has been busier than ever. My personal relationship with Christ has stumbled greatly with the lack of time to simply sit at His feet and let him refresh me, heal me, and hold me.

Yesterday, I had bible study with the other American teachers (we're doing Glorious Freedom by Beth Moore). It was all about our adoption into God's family and how cherished and treasured we are in God's eyes. The last question asked in the chapter was how I felt I needed to respond.  Confession, I've kind of skipped over that question because by the time I reach the end of the chapter, I don't remember what I've studied. Everything had been going in one ear and out the other.  But this time, I knew how God wanted me to respond. This was what I felt him saying to me last night, "I have showed you, time and again, how much I cherish you. You are the apple of my eye, I created you specifically, I love you, I gave up my most greatest treasure for you, my Son. And I will continue to show you this unending, infinite, unconditional love for eternity. But please, cherish me." And of course, that stung like cutting your finger open while cutting a lemon. However, it was a beautiful moment because it was like, "I feel something! My spiritual walk isn't numb. I felt something!!!" I know I won't always have this zeal for cherishing God, but for right now, I'm going to seek God with all my heart because I want to show Him that I cherish him too.

After bible study, I spend some time reading God's word and journaling. This is what I wrote.
(Don't judge my changing of persons. Sometimes I talk to my journal, and sometimes I talk to myself).

It's so hard because I hate saying that I'm "making time for God" because I feel like that puts God in a box. But I'm realizing more and more that when you make "God time" God becomes "time." So don't be afraid to box God in to one certain time during your day because really, can we really put God in a box??? We may "allow" him to come into this one little part of our lives, but He's too great to stay there. He's going to start moving around. So basically, make "God time" but expect God to show up at other times and just blow you away in ways you never expected!

So if someone we to ask me what lesson I'm learning here in Honduras, I would say that I'm learning how to cherish God in my own way.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sewing and Seeing

So often in life, I work to plant seeds. Whether it be VBS, Homeless Ministry, Youth Ministry, Camps, Short term mission trips, etc.

Through Christ, I've planted seeds in so many different places.

Moving to Honduras, it makes me teary to see the fruits of labor from myself as well as the groups I've worked with.

In March, a contingent of our group worked to paint and fix up the second house at Destino. I got to spend a night in that house and was able to appreciate the beauty of their work!
We also left clothes when we were down here. I've seen many of those clothes on the kids here. Today in church, I was looking at this one kids shirt thinking, "Gosh! That looks awfully familiar..." Then it dawned on me, "Oh wait! That was mine!"

One of the sweet boys that Kevin and I taught when we were down here came to know Christ a couple weeks ago.

I met the guy in the market that Dayna gave her Uke to.

I get to play with little David almost every time I see him. AND HE KNOWS MY NAME!!! He corrected his siblings when they called me "Teacher Tori" (this name has become the universal name for any teacher who is a gringa).

Just to see the fruits of the hard labor past groups have put in, is beautiful.

Today at lunch, we were talking about how the church at Destino has grown in immense ways. Last Wednesday, so many people came that our pastor kind of freaked out. He wasn't sure if there was a special program or something and wasn't prepared. And there was no extra special presentation or activity.
Pastor Pablo has been, every day, praying with the students one on one, and then, for a couple hours a day, visits with the families and prays with them.

The growing church is a fruit of the planting of seeds. And it, my friends, is a beautiful sight to see.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Coming to Honduras, one of the things I knew we would "haaave" to do is take visa trips, which is basically taking an out of country trip to renew our Honduras visas. I wasn't excited about this. At all. (Can you sense the sarcasm?)
Anyway, as our trip date was approaching, we were still trying to decide where to go, what hotels we were going to stay at, what buses we were going to take. And there wasn't much I could do to help because, let's be honest, I'm just dumb in that area seeing as my only experience with international travel has been someone else doing the arrangements. A couple weeks before the trip, Rhonda came and told us she found a ride for us with a friend of hers she trusted. Such peace flooded through me knowing we weren't going to have to take any buses! Now it was left for us to decide, Guatemala or Belize. Belize would have been pretty but more expensive and longer to travel. On top of it all, we had sooo many fellow missionaries telling us how the laws had changed and we had to go two countries over and were telling us horror stories. After it all, we just decided to trust God and go to Guatemala. There were a ton of variables and worst case scenarios. All of which went through my head at rapid paces. 
The worst thing that happened was I received a faaabulous sun burn which has peeled and I'm now white as ever. 
Day 1. We left from Destino in the back of a pick up, arrived in Guatemala. We ate lunch (we found some awesome tacos mexicanos). Then we hopped in the pool. THE POOL. That was the best part out of the whole trip for me haha! Then we found a coffee shop with Guatemalan coffee (not as strong as Honduran but it was still good) and some yummy pastries. After that we did a bit of exploring and found that we like Guatemala. 
Day 2. We did some shopping in the morning and then went to a theme park outside of town. It wasn't like Schlitterbahn or Sea World or Six Flags. And I enjoyed it haha! That night, I was praying my heart out asking God to give us favor the next day. There were absolutely too many variables for a best case scenario to happen. 
Day 3. Best case scenario happens. We had absolutely no trouble at the border. Our visas were renewed the full 90 days we needed. And the exit fee was a whopping 3 bucks. I'm still trying to convince myself it happened. But, like someone once told me, "Why are we so surprised when God pulls through and protects and provides for us?" Still trying to figure out the answer to that question. 

Anyway, enjoy the photos! Wish you were all there with me! 

Of course, a trip wouldn't be complete without a Chaco shot. Right?

I don't even remember taking this picture or what was happening. It's just funny for some reason haha!

There are far better things ahead than any we've left behind. ~C.S. Lewis

Snacking it up! 

One of the snacks we packed was some fruit that I still don't remember how to pronounce (sorry Bethany!). They went bad. And they stunk. So I started to poor the bag of the little orange fruits out and the guys in this van started waving their arms and telling us they wanted some. Tori and Jenna both tried throwing them but uh...couldn't get anywhere close...
I grew up tossing baseballs with my family in the back yard. closer than anyone else. Not that it matters but...the fruit did bounce off the one guy's hand. He just didn't close his fist at the right time. Not that it matters that I threw the most accurate tosses. Haha! 

First meal in Guatemala and we ate Mexican food. Yep! 

This guy was across the street from us and was playing his guitar. I thought I would be clever and take a creeper shot and he saw me. The result was him making the most epic face I think I've ever seen. 

I tried to take a picture of this fake flower booth. The booth was real, the flowers were fake, just to clarify. 

I'm just not good at taking creeper shots because the booth worker saw me and made me take another picture with him holding his flowers. And yes, I bought some. 

This is the Basilica. It's the main attraction in Esquipulas, Guatemala, where we were staying. It's the origination of the "black Christ," and it has mass at 6 am every morning. We discovered this Friday morning when the bells, all the bells, not just one, not just two, but probably about 20, sounded off. There was no rhyme or reason, it was just a bunch of clanging bells. I'm glad I'm a Baptist. I'll just say that. 

Does ANYONE know what kind of flower this is? It looks like something out of a Dr. Seuss book! 

That awkward moment you get photobombed by your own roommate. 

There, that's better. 

Our hotel was ready to Sic 'Em! 

 Guatemalan sno-cone machine! 

This had shaved ice, 5 different flavors, jelly, sprinkles, and bananas. And it was yummy. 

Bought a head band from this lovely lady! The headband ACTUALLY fits my head. 

Kathy thought the head bands were so cool that she bought two! 

This little girl was a gem! Everywhere we went, vendors would push their way and interrupt simply to try and sell us something. I understand, that's their way of survival and I've gotten used to it. But this little girl, sat patient and quiet as we completed our transactions for the headbands. As soon as we were done she shyly approached me and asked if I'd like to buy anything she had. I'm a sucker for sweet faces and walked away with the CUTEST little doll. Well, second cutest. She was the cutest doll I think I've ever seen. And then I asked if I could take a picture with her. So sweet! 

I'm actually pretty proud of this picture. 

Jumping shot take...234...

Love. These. Women. 

Just for you dad! 

The hot dog had avocado on the bun. That makes it healthy right? 

Kathy and the GIANT bamboo. 

 Mom! Why isn't our bamboo this big???

This style will be seen on the streets of Manhattan in a couple years. 
I was trying to take a picture of this adorable little patch of sunlight...
and ended up with the picture below. Loved it! And I won't be able to do that again in a million years. 

And now I can proudly say that I climbed a 40 foot rock wall in a third world country. You'll notice all the rocks are spaced pretty sparingly. Ya, I noticed that too as I was climbing. 

And at this moment, I was simply trying to remember how to stand. 
All the pictures of Bethany climbing the wall are on her camera, but she was a BEAST. And this guy in between saved our lives on multiple occasions. And still smelled good after it all. 

Such a hipster! 

And yes, I have an obsession with Chacos. You're point?