Thursday, November 28, 2013


It's Thanksgiving. And even though Honduras doesn't celebrate it, we did. I will admit, running into a grocery store this morning and it not being overly crowded with crazy people, kind of felt weird. I think I like celebrating an American holiday in a...not so American country. Anyway, I went through pictures after coming home from our Thanksgiving dinner with the Destino kids and decided I was going to make a list of things I was thankful for according to these pictures. 
1. I'm thankful for an awesome roomie and for the rain that we got caught in. You may not be able to tell but we were literally soaked from head to toe. 
 2. I'm thankful for these beautiful 4th grade boys (and all the 4th grade class). Not that I pick favorites but the kid on the far left has nicknamed me "Caballera." How can I not pick a favorite???

3. I'm thankful for these three sweet boys in mine and Tori's Prepa (Kindergarten) class. They're so sweet, so smart, and are such a big help! Granted, if we could get them to stop talking in class things would be absolutely divine, but I still love these boys!

4. I'm thankful for my sweet, sweet, 1st graders. These are my babies! Every day when we get on the bus they pass by me and I get 25 hugs. I am so grateful that God put me with these crazy kids! I feel like I'm learning more than they are! 

 5. I'm so thankful that these two boys are ALIVE! Both boys had Dengue and were out of school for over a week. David (on the left) ended up in the hospital in Tegucigalpa because he had other complications with his Dengue. Both boys got extra big hugs when they came back to school. And we spent a lot of quality time together catching up on exams. They were both gone for exam week...hmmm...

6. I'm also thankful for flowers that have a natural ombre. Seriously, how cool?

7. And of course, I'm thankful for dogs. This sweet thing came and visited us the other morning as we were waiting on the school bus. Of course, she visited on the morning I was eating a grab and go breakfast. I found out she likes oatmeal bars.  

 8. I'm INCREDIBLY thankful for these sweet women I do life with every day. I'm blessed by their encouragement and view on life. It sounds cliche, but there really are no words to explain how grateful I am for these women. 

9. I'm thankful for colorful food. And in case you're wondering, that is sausage, not hot dogs (you're welcome Bethany). 

10. I'm super thankful for this stinker, David. And honestly, he has some of the clearest Spanish I've ever heard! 

11. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thankful for tortillas. I actually made a round one! 

12. I'm thankful for the beautiful girls being raised at Destino. They have such beautiful hearts and desires to serve God!  

13. I'm also thankful for the fact that Josue gets a hold of my camera. I always get some pretty awesome pictures when he's done! 

(And when I say awesome, I mean some cool pictures like this!) 

14. I'm thankful to be lead closer to Jesus every day. 

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