Saturday, December 14, 2013


Last week, we did something at Destino that has never been done before in Destino's history. We had the insane privilege of giving each child the name of their sponsor. God has bestowed bountiful blessings on Destino by the way of sponsors. This is the first year each child has a sponsor. The excitement that was in the room when I told the First Graders that I had a surprise for them was thick. When I told them the surprise was that I had the name of their sponsors, I don't think it was just excitement. The presence of the Holy Spirit was in that room ministering to each of those children. These children have hard, hard lives, so for them to not just hear about their sponsors, and make Christmas cards for no-name people, but actually have a name, to know that there is a specific person praying for them, stands out and, I'll go as far to say, will be one of the most memorable days in their time at school. So, if you are a sponsor of one of these children, or a sponsor of a Destino child...know that you made these children more excited than I've ever seen them. 

Here's our unofficial class picture (unofficial because my awesome assistant is behind the camera and needs to be in the picture because I would go crazy without her).
This is our "nice picture. We're trying to give off the aura that everything is perfect in our class (ha!).

And this is more what it's like...

But I wouldn't have it any other way!

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