Sunday, December 29, 2013

Porque Dios dijo

Since the beginning of this blog, I've struggled with how honest to be on here. Which has made blogging difficult because most of my time in Honduras has been learning about myself which has proved more personal than I ever would have imagined. However, there are some things I definitely feel I can be honest about.
I don't want to go back to Honduras.
Life is the most difficult I've ever experienced.
My first full time job that doesn't involve answering phones.
My first time living away from home.
My first time living in a third-world country.
My first time living with people other than my family.
My first time living in a country where their language is one I'm not entirely familiar with.
However, by December 19th, I finally got used to Honduras and it got used to me.

And then I came home and was reminded why I love it here so much.
My family.
My group of friends.
My Sunday School class (with whom I laugh and learn constantly).
My amazing pastor giving the word of God in the beautiful language of English.
My amazing worship team who leads hundreds to meet with Jesus in Worship (and they sing in English).
My amazing church who is a constant support and encouragement.
And of course there's the fact that I have a vehicle here, a nice comfortable bed, a hot shower, hot water coming out of the kitchen sink to clean the dishes, my dogs, bonfires.

It's just been good being home. Going back to Honduras it will be easier because I know what to expect. I don't have to completely start from scratch in building a life there. But it will also be harder because I've been reminded of why I love my hometown. And it will be harder because this time, it will be a whole two months longer. By month three I was ready to just come home. Life on the Frontlines is difficult indeed. And I don't want to return. But I made God a promise before leaving, "I lay me down I'm not my own, I belong to you alone." And I was reminded of this promise in church this morning. So, I'm heading back. Porque Dios djio. And because of that, I need no other reason.

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