Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 In Pictures


Started off the year running around a hotel in Mobile, AL with some of the craziest people in my life getting my hair dyed purple.
Crazy equals awesome in my book. I have some pretty amazing friends!
We were in Alabama because we were on our way to Passion 2013. 

January brought on a lot of spiritual growth for me. At the time I was dealing with a spiritual numbness. I just want you to know, that even when you're not feeling a dratted thing during your spiritual walk with Christ, you keep walking. Don't stop. 


Oh February. A time full of crazy preparation for It's A Girl Thing. I was blessed to be asked to serve on the board for the It's A Girl Thing Conference. IAGT 2013 was one of the best yet with guest musicians "The James Roots Band" and "Kerrie Roberts" with one of the best speakers I've heard so far, "Pam Stenzel."


Let's just say, I'll never forget March of 2013. It was the month I went to Honduras on a short term mission trip and ended up making a commitment of my life.


April was a blast. That was Mpact month. Hurray for the Awkward Anchors! 
Yes, that's ice cream in my hair. We had a pretty "cool" time that weekend. In all seriousness, God did some awesome stuff that weekend in the lives of many students! 


In May, there was a lot of quality time with my best friend who was getting ready to leave for Uganda. There were some deep talks about what we were experiencing, but there was also plenty of goofing off!


In June, we said goodbye to Reyna. It was a long, hard, sad day. But exciting. We were excited to see what God was going to do in and through Reyna in Uganda. 


July was by far one of my favorite parts of summer, including a girl trip to one of the towns I used to live in. It was full of crazy adventures like taking pictures of mountains...
Visiting old childhood haunts.

 Drinking good old fashioned root beer floats!

And climbing Point of Rocks in 'nuffin but my Chacos!

And a couple days after our adventure, my mom, sister, and I set out on another adventure of being the middle school teachers for our sister church's VBS. That week is high competition for some of the best days of my life. 


August was filled with preparations for Honduras. Shopping trips. Coffee dates. Sonic happy hours. Guitar and beach time. And also, one of the highlight's of my summer: THSC Teen Staff Program. Crazy year. Crazy kids. Crazy awesome time! 

On the last day of August, I boarded a plane with the thought of, "Am I really doing this???
This was the mess I made in my new room as I was searching for my shampoo. 

And here's my happy face after finding the shampoo. About five minutes later that face was twisted in horror as the dadgum shower head exploded, melted, and just about killed me. 


September 1st, I woke up to the sun shining through my window. I thought it was a beautiful site that morning. However, I've covered over the window with darker curtains. Not much of a morning person hehe! 
September brought scary things into my life. Long story short, my debit card didn't work, I experienced lice for the first time, I caught the stomach bug and thought I was dyyyyyyying. And I taught school for the first time as the teacher of a class. I thought I was dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyying. 


October held a sense of normalcy and definitely some adventure as I saw more of Central America from the back of a pick up truck heading to Guatemala. 


If I felt like October was getting normal, November was probably about as normal as it got for me. We spent Thanksgiving with Rhonda's kids and cooked by far one of the most interesting Thanksgiving meals. Lots of "substitution" with our normal ingredients but it sure was yummy!! 


December was great. The month went by fast as I waiting with crazy anticipation to come home. It had been four months since I had seen or hung out with my family and friends (aka-my support group). I think I drove my roommate crazy with "Hey! We're going home in 20 days!" "Dude! Only three weeks 'til we come home!" "Oh my gosh! We get to see our families in TEN DAYS!" And the night before we left Honduras....oooooh my gosh, if she wasn't as excited as I was she probably would've smacked me in the face. "BETHANY!!! WE'RE GOING HOME TOMORROW!!!!!" 
Started Christmas vacation the right way, with Chick-Fil-A.

Spent some time with my gorgeous (and to all you boys...OFF LIMITS) sister. 

Sat in front of a couple fires.

And felt the (very cold) sand between my toes. 

Oh ya, remember the first picture of my purple hair? Skylar and I seem to have this tradition started where she does fun stuff with my hair on New Years Eve! 

My verse for 2014: Ezekiel 40:4- Son of man, look with your eyes and hear with your ears and pay attention to everything I am going to show you, for that is why you have been brought here.
I don't know the context of this verse but it's a beautiful message from God as I step into the second half of my year in Honduras, to look, hear, and pay attention. 

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Life is such an adventure! I'm glad you're living it to the fullest. Oh, btw, if you haven't bought some yet, there's all natural lice prevention shampoo that has essential oils. It's gentle, and you can use it daily, just like regular shampoo. It's a little more expensive than Herbal Essence, but it's great for teachers and traveling.
