Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sewing and Seeing

So often in life, I work to plant seeds. Whether it be VBS, Homeless Ministry, Youth Ministry, Camps, Short term mission trips, etc.

Through Christ, I've planted seeds in so many different places.

Moving to Honduras, it makes me teary to see the fruits of labor from myself as well as the groups I've worked with.

In March, a contingent of our group worked to paint and fix up the second house at Destino. I got to spend a night in that house and was able to appreciate the beauty of their work!
We also left clothes when we were down here. I've seen many of those clothes on the kids here. Today in church, I was looking at this one kids shirt thinking, "Gosh! That looks awfully familiar..." Then it dawned on me, "Oh wait! That was mine!"

One of the sweet boys that Kevin and I taught when we were down here came to know Christ a couple weeks ago.

I met the guy in the market that Dayna gave her Uke to.

I get to play with little David almost every time I see him. AND HE KNOWS MY NAME!!! He corrected his siblings when they called me "Teacher Tori" (this name has become the universal name for any teacher who is a gringa).

Just to see the fruits of the hard labor past groups have put in, is beautiful.

Today at lunch, we were talking about how the church at Destino has grown in immense ways. Last Wednesday, so many people came that our pastor kind of freaked out. He wasn't sure if there was a special program or something and wasn't prepared. And there was no extra special presentation or activity.
Pastor Pablo has been, every day, praying with the students one on one, and then, for a couple hours a day, visits with the families and prays with them.

The growing church is a fruit of the planting of seeds. And it, my friends, is a beautiful sight to see.

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