Friday, June 14, 2013

Beautiful Conversations

I've decided to take a small break from school to write about something I actually enjoy.  Not that I don't enjoy literature.  I enjoy literature and writing, just not in the amounts I'm experiencing right now.

Someone called me at 6:45 this morning.  I was so tired from this VBS week that I didn't even hear it.  As I'm getting ready this morning, I checked my voice mail and heard a very familiar, "Hey girl!" I knew who's voice it was and just about burst into tears.  For those of you I haven't excitedly told today, I TALKED TO REYNA!!!! She called me a little bit later and we chatted for about ten minutes.  Let me tell you guys, that's a record short conversation for us.  We're the girls who go to lunch and get dirty looks from the restaurant staff because we've occupied their table for a couple hours.  But so much was said in these few minutes! She's doing great! God is using and stretching her! She told me, "God is doing SO much! And not just through me but IN me!!!" I usually label conversations with the terms, depressing, funny, hysterical, emotional, etc., but this conversation definitely deserves the term BEAUTIFUL! How beautiful are the (Chaco clad) feet of those who bring the good news!

Keep Reyna in your prayers still!!! From what she's told me, she's doing a lot of work over there and I know how taxing on the physical and emotional side it can be.

Another thought bouncing through my head as I think of Reyna.  At the start of all this, I was pretty shy about telling people I was moving to Honduras.  Number one, believe it or not, I hate hearing how awesome I am.  I love when people say how awesome "it" is rather than how awesome "I" am.  Seriously people, there is absolutely nothing about me that is awesome. It is ALL God! Without Him...well...let's not get into that. Number two, I don't want people to feel like I'm bragging.  Sometimes I see "oh look at goody-two shoes" roll through people's eyes when they talk to me.  And I hate that, because that means they really need to get to know me.  I don't even like wearing shoes!!!

Reyna told me she felt the same thing, but simply put, had to get over it.  By telling people I'm moving to Honduras, I'm given amazing opportunities to witness. It's now to the point where I tell someone I'm going to teach in Honduras and then practically bounce out of my seat waiting for them to ask, "why?"  Because this is where I can tell them how awesome God is and they can't complain because THEY ASKED FOR IT!
It happened today in the library! Poor guy had no idea that by asking me what I was doing taking a 400 level Literature course, he was going to get an earful of my conversations between God and I.  Ha! "At first I was like, 'What?' and God was like, 'Yep!' and I was like, 'Serious?' and God was like, 'For real!'"

Monday, June 3, 2013

~Prayers and Farewells

This is one of those blog posts I'm not completely sure I'll make it through without tearing up. 
Yesterday, my best friend and I were commissioned by our church.  
I couldn't ask for a better church.
I couldn't ask for a better friend. 
I couldn't ask for a better Savior than the one who has called us to reach beyond our comfort zones and point others towards Jesus Christ.

As Reyna and I were sitting on the steps of the altar, dozens of people crowded around us.  Some holding our hands others touching our shoulders.  We were pressed in from all sides. It kind of felt like traveling to breakout sessions at Passion.  
As I'm beneath all these people speaking prayers over our trips, I literally felt the physical weight of those surrounding Reyna and I.  I tend to think in metaphorical terms which makes me hard to understand at times but I think you'll be able to understand this.  As I felt the physical weight in that moment, I knew that I would feel the spiritual weight of those prayers as Reyna traveled to Uganda and I traveled to Honduras. 

Now, for today's adventures. To Houston! 

Though I'm pretty sure neither of us have actually seen "The Sisterhood of Traveling Pants," we have the general idea. We came up with the "Traveling Bracelet." Hopefully a more catchy name will develop in the near future.  We decided that Reyna will take it to Uganda and I'll take to it Honduras and whoever goes somewhere next can take it to wherever they're going! We're shooting for a London or Paris excursion ;)
You can tell I'm a small town girl. I though riding the underground shuttle around the airport was the coolest thing.  At least the first and second time.  By the third, fourth, and fifth time, I was a little tired. 

True to our personalities. 

And here's where the water-works start to flow. 

Here Reyna is, modeling the "Traveling Bracelet" as she heads into security.  
Our last glimpse of her before she heads upstairs to her plane. We're going to miss you Rey! And just so Uganda knows, we really do want you back!!! 

At the commissioning service yesterday, our pastor said a blessing over us and finished with, "We unleash you on Uganda and Honduras."  While it was comical, it's true. 
We have a Great Big God living inside of us.  He's roaring and ready to bring His people back to Him.  Reyna and I have talked extensively about our most recent journeys and how we are simply blown away that God would call us to such things.  There's not a thing we have done that should allow us to be Christ's ambassador, yet God still chooses to send us.  It is a humbling thought.  But also an empowering thought.  I can't wait to see what God has in store!  

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Two posts in one day...

Yes, this is my second post today.  But I have a lot on my mind and a little time on my hands (which is really just an illusion. I do have a TON of homework).

Something I've noticed over the past couple of weeks, when I'm talking to someone about my testimony, I feel like I have to reveal the worsts sins I've ever done (not that there are any sins worse than others but you catch my drift) just to relate to people.  While sharing my stories of me going astray are important in the fact that it just shows my need for Jesus Christ all the more, it's almost become the "topic" of my testimony.  When in reality, my testimony should not be about the things I've done, but the things God has done.

I'm sure there could be a lot of philosophical thought put into this, which could prove or disprove this statement, but it all boils down to raising the name of Jesus above every name.  Jesus Christ should be the focus of my testimony, not the things I've done wrong.

It feels like summertime!

I've decide, after being in the South Texas heat for two full days that I don't want an outdoor job, and that it is officially summer.

Just finished up with my second garage sale and it was super hot.  I came home with a fabulous TOMS tan line. Aren't you jealous??? Now I need to get some Chaco's and work on that tan!

Everyone who donated to this sale, you are amazing people!!! When customers would come the reaction was usually the same, "Wow! You have a lot of stuff!"  Just by this simple exclamation I was able to tell them how awesome my church family is.  What a witness!!!

A little lesson I'm learning as I'm preparing for this journey, I'm not only going as a missionary to Honduras, but my testimony left here in the states is also ministering to people.  It gives me incredible opportunities to share with people what God is doing with my life.  In my opinion, that is the best way to witness to someone is through the testimonies of what God has done.  No one can refute your story.  They can refute religious arguments, theologies, philosophies, and any more "ies" you can think of, but no one can tell you your story is wrong.  Your story of how God is working is what makes the difference in others lives.

On another note, I'm working on not crying right now.  My best friend, Reyna, leaves ON MONDAY!!!! And I won't see her for a whole THREE MONTHS!!! And then I'll see her for a day.  And then I won't see her for a whole FIVE MONTHS!!!!  Seriously, I am thankful for things like Facebook, Skype, and Email (and blogging)!

Please, lift Reyna up in your prayers! She has a long way to travel. Pray for her health, her safety, her heart, and that she would be given AMAZING opportunities to share Christ in the airport, on the plane, and with all the beautiful people she's going to meet in Uganda.

In conclusion....the pizza has arrived!  I'm off!
Thank you all for your prayers!